Time to Take Trump by Stormy…

Time To Take Trump by Storm…

The VOX story linked above suggest the importance of Stormy


Daniels and Donald Trump is the “corruptibility of Donald Trump…”


…Keith Munyan, one of the four people Stormy Daniels included in the nondisclosure agreement she signed with Donald Trump’s lawyer. Munyan confirmed critical elements of the alleged romantic tryst between the porn star and the future president, and added new details to a tawdry saga that has rocked the White House.

Munyan, a longtime friend of Daniels, remembers eavesdropping on a half-dozen phone calls between her and the future president.

“He would call all the time. That man can talk about nothing for hours,” Munyan told The Daily Beast in a phone call Monday.

Stormy Daniels, the porn star whom Donald Trump’s attorney acknowledges paying $130,000 just before Election Day, believes she is now free to discuss an alleged sexual encounter with the man who is now president, her manager told The Associated Press Wednesday.

CNN Reports: 

President Donald Trump has been seeking counsel from confidantes on how he should handle the Stormy Daniels situation, a source close to the President tells CNN.

The source said Trump is being told by advisers not to fight Daniels’ decision to break a confidentiality agreement because it would make him look guilty. This source said it’s the only reason Trump has stayed quiet on the issue and hasn’t been tweeting about it.


Stormy wants out of her nondisclosure agreement so badly that she’s offered to return the $130,000 payment to end the deal for her silence. And he might take it — because Trump’s going to need the cash for his divorce lawyer.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

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